Lawyer Wang Haiyang's seed industry legal team successfully defended the innocence of the Heilongjiang seed related criminal case

2024 09/11
Recently, a criminal case involving seeds (suspected of producing and selling counterfeit products) led by Lawyer Wang Haiyang from the Beijing office of Gaopeng Law Firm, in collaboration with Lawyer Qu Shuai, Lawyer Wang Leisheng, Lawyer Li Xiaohang, and Lawyer Li Lingyun, has made significant progress. After effective professional defense, the parties G, S, and L in the case were granted a non prosecution decision by a People's Procuratorate in Heilongjiang Province.

Lawyer Wang Haiyang's legal team has achieved significant results in their defense work: the procuratorate has decided not to prosecute G, S, and L respectively

Case Introduction

In November 2023, the actual controller W, production supervisor S, salesperson W, warehouse manager G, workshop worker L, and multiple employees of a certain industry limited company in Heilongjiang Province were criminally registered and arrested by a public security organ in a certain reclamation area on suspicion of producing and selling fake and inferior seeds.

After learning about the case, the family members of the parties were extremely anxious. They immediately called for consultation and ultimately entrusted Wang Haiyang, a seed industry lawyer from Gaopeng Law Firm, to form a legal team to provide defense and legal services for the parties.

Undertaking and defense

After accepting the commission, partner Wang Haiyang led and jointly formed a seed industry criminal defense team with partner Qu Shuai, lawyers Wang Leisheng, Li Xiaohang, and Li Lingyun. According to the division of labor, partners Wang Haiyang and Qu Shuai serve as defense counsel for W, lawyer Wang Leisheng serves as defense counsel for G, lawyer Li Xiaohang serves as defense counsel for S, and lawyer Li Lingyun serves as defense counsel for L, providing specialized and refined legal services for the parties involved.

Defense lawyers actively engage in their work, traveling to Heilongjiang from winter to summer, meeting with clients, reviewing case files, communicating, submitting legal opinions, and handling bail applications. At the same time, the five defense lawyers developed different defense strategies based on their respective clients' specific situations, actively communicated with the handling prosecutor about the case situation, and elaborated their views in detail. In particular, the innocent defense opinions submitted by lawyers Wang Leisheng, Li Xiaohang, and Li Lingyun were recognized by the prosecutor. After returning the case twice to the public security organs for supplementary investigation, the prosecutor's office ultimately made a decision not to prosecute S, G, and L, achieving a significant result of the successful defense of three people in one case.

Through the team's fine work and professional defense, the amount of money identified by the procuratorate involved in the case dropped from more than 2.1 million yuan to 250000 yuan. The main suspect soon obtained a guarantor pending trial, and significant progress was made in the defense work.

This case demonstrates that the seed industry legal team led by Lawyer Wang Haiyang upholds the training of "integrity and professionalism", adheres to the work philosophy of "specialization, refinement, novelty", actively performs defense duties, maximizes the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and strives for the most favorable results for the parties, achieving good defense and social effects. At the same time, it has also received high praise and recognition from the parties and their families.