Gaopeng Lawyer Participated in Gathering of WTO Experts-Gaopeng & Partners

2007 03/19

Gaopeng lawyer Wang Lei attended the 2d meeting of board of directors of China Society for WTO Studies on March 18,2007.Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai spake at the meeting.Professor Li Yining gave a keynote speech on Chinaundefineds Economy in next ten years perspective.Except Mr·Long Yongtu who was in mission,all the other three former chief negotiators Shen Jueren,Tong Zhiguang and Gu Yongjiang attended the meeting.Vice Minister for WTO matters Yi Xiaozhun as well as hundreds of experts throughout the country joined the gathering.The Society is a club gathering former negotiators of WTO accession and experts from governments,institutions and business community.As an assistant to all four chief negotiators from 1986 to 1996,Wang Lei has been acting as a board director since the incorporation of the Society.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)