Lawyers Dong Xiaohua, Feng Wei, and Chen Cong defended accurately, and the two parties were successfully released

2023 12/08

Recently, a suspected fraud case represented by lawyers Dong Xiaohua, Feng Wei and Chen Cong from Gaopeng Law Firm was effectively defended, and the procuratorate made a decision not to arrest the two suspect.

The two parties involved in this case were criminally detained by a certain public security bureau in Beijing on November 2, 2023, on suspicion of fraud. On November 11th, after consultation, two family members of the parties established entrusted relationships with three lawyers.

After accepting the commission, the three lawyers immediately went to the detention center to meet with two parties, understand and communicate the case, and make preliminary predictions on the direction of the case. Subsequently, some details and doubts discovered during the investigation were verified and confirmed with the company where the two individuals are located. Next, the three lawyers conducted a detailed review of the facts of the case based on the statements of the parties and the relevant evidence materials provided by the company. They also met multiple times to verify the new situation they discovered. Afterwards, we had face-to-face communication with the handling police officer regarding our views on the case and submitted written legal opinions.

On the basis of the aforementioned work, the three lawyers unanimously believe that the evidence for characterizing this case as a fraud crime is clearly insufficient, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove that R is aware of or involved in the facts involved. On November 30th, the public security organs submitted a request to the procuratorate for approval of the arrest. During the arrest review stage, Lawyers Feng Wei and Chen Cong met again and submitted written legal opinions and collected evidence materials suggesting not to arrest to the handling prosecutor twice. They also followed up on the progress of the case through telephone communication. On the afternoon of December 7th, the prosecutor's office finally made a decision not to approve the arrest, and the two were successfully released.

Adhering to the principle of facts as the basis and law as the criterion is our fundamental principle in handling cases. The achievement of good phased results in this case is a reflection of Gao Peng's professional ability as a criminal lawyer, as well as a manifestation of the prosecutor's professional competence and professional responsibility. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in accordance with the law is our unwavering commitment and effort!