Steady and steady, step by step - Lawyer Gao Peng successfully refunded the client's full insurance of 1.5 million yuan

2023 12/22

Recently, Lawyer Li Zongjiang, a partner of Gaopeng Law Firm, successfully represented a client to fully refund a premium of 1.5 million yuan from a Fortune 500 insurance company.

In 2020, recommended by a salesperson, the customer purchased annuity insurance from a certain insurance company. I originally planned to receive a pension every year after retirement, but after three consecutive years of insurance coverage, the client learned that the person who could receive the pension was not themselves, but their own children. Subsequently, the customer communicated with the salesperson multiple times to cancel the insurance policy, but the salesperson insisted that the cancellation was acceptable and the insurance company could only refund the cash value of the policy. For customers who have already paid a cumulative premium of 1.5 million yuan, this is certainly unacceptable.

After evaluating all the information provided by the client, Lawyer Li Zongjiang believes that the salesperson's behavior is seriously misleading in sales. After accepting the commission, Lawyer Li Zongjiang designed a complete set of response plans for the client, including negotiations with insurance companies, reporting to regulatory authorities, as well as administrative reconsideration and civil litigation. After multiple unsuccessful communications with the insurance company, Lawyer Li Zongjiang submitted detailed reporting materials to the regulatory authorities on behalf of the client. Two months later, regulatory authorities determined that the sales misleading behavior of insurance company salespeople was true! Afterwards, after multiple rounds of communication with the insurance company, the insurance company finally agreed to fully refund the premium of 1.5 million yuan. Moreover, with the repeated efforts of Lawyer Li Zongjiang, the insurance company agreed to compensate the customer with an additional economic loss of 80000 yuan.

It is reported that the full surrender case represented by Lawyer Li Zongjiang this time is the largest single surrender case of a Fortune 500 insurance company in 2023. The client highly appreciates Lawyer Li Zongjiang's diligent and responsible professional attitude. Lawyer Gao Peng always adheres to the service philosophy of "integrity and professionalism", providing customers with high-quality and efficient legal services.