Our agency, Wanbang Shoes, has filed a lawsuit against the European Court of Justice regarding the anti-dumping of European Union leather shoes against China

2007 01/12
On January 2,2007,the trading team of our firm formally filed a lawsuit on behalf of Guangzhou Wanbang Shoes Co.,Ltd.to the European Court of First Instance,requesting the Court to rescind Rule 1472/2006,which was adopted by the European Council on October 6,2006 and officially implemented the next day,on the imposition of anti-dumping duties on leather shoes imported from China and Vietnam.

Guangzhou Wanbang Shoes Co.,Ltd.and its affiliated company Wanguo(Qingxin)Shoes Co.,Ltd.are large enterprises specializing in the production of sports shoes in China,and are also the enterprises selected for comprehensive investigation in the anti-dumping investigation of leather shoes launched by the European Union on July 7,2005(accounting for 2 of the 13 enterprises nationwide).During the investigation phase,our firm cooperated with their European importers and ultimately successfully excluded special technology sports shoes from the scope of the investigated products,thereby enabling the two companies to exempt more than 98%of their leather shoes exported to the EU from anti-dumping duties.

Although Guangzhou Wanbang Shoes Co.,Ltd.and its affiliated company Wanguo(Qingxin)Shoes Co.,Ltd.filed an application for market economy treatment and separate tax rate,responded to the questionnaire,accepted on-site verification,and submitted a large amount of defense and comment materials,the European Union still rejected the company's request for market economy treatment and separate tax rate,and ruled against the company an anti-dumping duty of 16.5%.The company was not satisfied and requested an appeal.Therefore,our international trade law team will spare no effort to strive for all possible legal rights and interests for Guangzhou Wanbang Shoes Co.,Ltd.and its affiliated company Wanguo(Qingxin)Shoes Co.,Ltd.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)