Lawyer Zhang Zheng teaches arbitration courses for Nanjing lawyers and arbitrators

2017 08/07

On the morning of August 4, 2017, at the joint invitation of the Nanjing Arbitration Commission, the Nanjing Lawyers Association, and the Nanjing Gulou District Bureau of Justice, Zhang Zheng, the founding partner of Beijing Gaopeng Law Firm, gave a lecture entitled "Six Elements of Supporting Arbitral Awards - Concurrent Comments on the Current Status of Trial and Adjudication of Corporate Dispute Cases" for Nanjing lawyers and arbitrators participating in the Arbitrator Salon. During the 2-hour and 10-minute lecture, Lawyer Zhang Zheng analyzed the six essential elements of an award based on his practical work experience in commercial arbitration. Lawyer Zhang Zheng particularly elaborated on the different situations that may arise in the trial of "gambling terms". The lawyers and arbitrators who participated in the lecture were provided with an in-depth understanding of the different situations in which the arbitration institutions dealt with "gambling terms" respectively.

The arbitrator salon was presided over by lawyer Zhang Jinling, director of the Company Law Professional Committee of the Nanjing Lawyers Association. Dong Liming, Minister of the Business Development Department of the Nanjing Arbitration Commission, also gave a speech entitled "The Latest Development Trend of Commercial Arbitration" at the salon. Qian Zhi, Vice President of Nanjing Lawyers Association, made enthusiastic comments on the salon activities.

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