Director Gu Zengping was invited to attend the Member Representative Conference of the Municipal Construction Industry Association and the Second Standing Council of the Fifth Session

2017 03/17

On the morning of March 16, 2017, the Member Representative Conference of Yangzhou Construction Industry Association and the 2nd Standing Council of the 5th session were solemnly held at the Municipal Conference Center. Director Gu Zengping of Beijing Gaopeng (Yangzhou) Law Firm, as the legal adviser of Yangzhou Construction Industry Association, was invited to participate in this meeting. The conference first commended advanced enterprises in the construction industry, outstanding entrepreneurs in the construction industry, outstanding chief engineers in the construction industry, and outstanding builders in the construction industry in Yangzhou City in 2016, and awarded the results of the 2016 municipal construction industry QC group activities. Subsequently, Ren Shousong, President of Yangzhou Construction Industry Association, made the 2016 annual work report, Xu Aihua, Vice President, made the financial work report, and Zhang Shaohua, Director of Yangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, Liu Xiaoming, Director of Yangzhou Urban and Rural Development Bureau, and Cheng Ziyong, Vice Director, also delivered important speeches. 

At the meeting, President Ren proposed to help construction enterprises operate in accordance with the law, prevent legal risks, and ensure that the legal system runs through the entire process of enterprise development through legal lectures, legal consultation, and on-site delivery of laws. Director Liu Xiaoming and Deputy Director Cheng Ziyong also highlighted the requirement for construction enterprises to strengthen risk prevention and operate in accordance with laws and regulations.

Gaopeng (Yangzhou) Law Firm will fully play its active role in escorting construction enterprises in accordance with the spirit of this meeting and the requirements of relevant competent departments. Provide comprehensive preventive measures for the legal risks that construction real estate enterprises may face to help them develop healthily.

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