Gao Peng's Partner Visits Subsidized Students in Sichuan

2012 04/26

On April 19,2012,Gao Peng,Guo Jinhui,and Wu Xiaomei,two partners,went to Shifang City,Sichuan Province to visit students in the disaster area who have been receiving Gao Peng's funding since the 5.12 earthquake.The two partner lawyers have visited four schools and 18 students,and have a cordial conversation with each student to learn about their recent learning situation,family life,and beautiful visions of the future.For several years,Gao Peng has been focusing on the growth of these children with a view to action,maintaining correspondence with them.This trip brought greetings and encouragement from all high friends,and I also learned about the achievements of high friends'funding in recent years.Some of the children ranked top in their classes and entered key middle schools;Some have become leaders in a certain discipline,participating in national competitions,and achieving excellent results.We are gratified by every bit of progress they have made.Gaopeng will continue to carry out the funding action as always,and make a continuous contribution to social development.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)