Lawyer Guo Jinhui Joins Gao Peng as a Partner of Gao Peng

2009 10/16
On October 15,2009,the new member of the Gaopeng team:Guo Jinhui,the former partner lawyer of Jintuo Law Firm,joined Gaopeng as a partner.

Lawyer Guo Jinhui has successively studied at the Economic Law School of China University of Political Science and Law and the Law School of Peking University,and obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Master of Laws degree.Previously,Lawyer Guo worked in the Beijing procuratorial organ,serving as a clerk,prosecutor,and other positions.He began practicing law in October 2001 and has been a partner of Beijing Jintuo Law Firm since August 2005.Lawyer Guo Jinhui is mainly engaged in civil and commercial litigation businesses such as real estate,sales,guarantees,engineering,labor,etc.At the same time,he is also good at representing various criminal cases.Extensive legal experience in litigation and non litigation.

The joining of lawyer Guo Jinhui has further strengthened Gaopeng's litigation business strength,thereby improving Gaopeng's client business team structure.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)