Lecture on Investment & Financing (IPO) by Austin Zhang, Asia Partner of Mossack Fonseca & Co.-Gaopeng & Partners

2008 06/19

In the afternoon of 13 June 2008,Austin Zhang,Asia Partner of Mossack Fonseca&Co.delivered a lecture on investment&financing(IPO)in Gaopeng&Partners.Mr·Zhang ever worked in certain well-known off-shore financial centers including the BVI and has therefore accumulated abundant experience in trust,private equity,management of multinational companies,international tax planning,protection of property and wealth management.He lectured on the investment&financing structure with a focus on protection of beneficiary’s rights and corporate control.Lawyers and legal assistants of Gaopeng&Partners were present at the lecture and discussed certain issues with Mr·Zhang.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)