Cooperate with US investment banks and securities companies to provide US financing opportunities and services for enterprises

2007 09/17
Gaopeng Exchange cooperates with members of NASD and SIPC in the United States,as well as American financial service institutions with registration qualifications from the United States Securities Regulatory Commission(SEC),the National Association of Securities Dealers(NASD),and the United States Securities Investor Protection Agency,to help China's fledgling enterprises provide special listing channels to the United States stock market.

Benefits of enterprises moving towards the development path of listed companies

It is well known that when an enterprise reaches a certain stage of development,there should be a fundamental leap forward.Becoming a publicly recognized listed company is the best and ultimate hope and pursuit of all enterprises.

It can enable enterprises to become a comprehensive development platform,such as establishing investment functions,financing functions,and the ability to explore new markets and new fields.

Fully reflect the various values of enterprises,relevant investors,and managers.

Enterprises are concerned by the whole society,which is conducive to establishing their image and conducting business.

Financing methods and means are more flexible,and the amount of financing capital is greater.

Benefits of Chinese companies going public in the United States

The United States is the most concerned and active capital market with the largest capital capacity among investors worldwide,marking the forefront of business operations in modern society.

Direct contact and cooperation with investors around the world is possible.

Accept the test of the international market and be recognized by international capital.

More and more flexible financing options and higher financing efficiency.

It is also a good way to become a multinational company in a portable manner,improving the international competitiveness of enterprises.

Basic conditions for companies listed in the United States

No matter where an enterprise is going to be listed,it means that it has completed the ordinary operation stage.To become a high-quality listed company that is transparent and publicly recognized by many strategic investors,good basic conditions are required to achieve this goal.

Companies listed in the United States should meet the following basic conditions

The company to be listed should have an operating performance of over 200 million yuan and an after-tax profit of around 45 million yuan.In the next three years of development,it should have an annual operating performance and profit growth of over 20%.

It has considerable competitiveness and advantages in the industry and market it operates in;The management team is highly professional and has a strong sense of social responsibility;The management system and mechanism keep pace with the times,with innovation and vitality.

The status of equity and assets is clear and transparent,and the sound financial system can withstand international financial audit investigations.

There is a need and desire for listing and development,and it can withstand the test of the international capital market.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)