Gao Peng's lawyer won the final trial of a series of contract disputes involving companies affiliated to Aerospace Group

2022 09/23

Recently,Wang Mingtao,a senior partner of Gaopeng Law Firm,represented a series of contract litigation and arbitration cases for companies affiliated to the Satellite Factory of Aerospace Group.After more than a year of unremitting efforts,the team finally won a complete victory in the first and second trials,winning a significant victory in the series of cases,laying a favorable foundation for the subsequent litigation of other series of cases and the adjudication of related arbitration cases.The result of this case has won high praise and recognition from relevant leaders such as state-owned enterprise satellite factory and client.Lawyer Gao Peng has once again won a good reputation for our aerospace system.

The case of a state-owned enterprise subordinate to a satellite factory represented by our firm involves a series of contract disputes,involving an amount of over 20 million yuan.Due to the agreement that the main contract shall be under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Arbitration Commission,our agent has applied for arbitration to the Beijing Arbitration Commission.Under the leadership of two senior partner lawyers such as Wang Mingtao,a team of lawyers Xiao Fangyong,Yang Liu,and Qiu Wanya was organized to carefully study the case materials,carefully plan the arbitration and litigation plan,carefully prepare,and repeatedly demonstrate and deduce.During the arbitration proceedings that lasted for more than six hours,the team's agent lawyers demonstrated Gao Peng's excellent legal professional skills and abilities through intense evidentiary cross-examination and arbitration court debate,The effectiveness of the arbitration trial has been highly praised and recognized by the client,and the professionalism and professional level of lawyer Gaopeng have been highly evaluated and greatly trusted.

"After the trial of the arbitration case has been completed and the facts have been ascertained,the opposing party has filed a separate lawsuit with the people's court based on other non case related documents,strongly asserting that the contract involved in the case has been terminated,attempting to change the arbitration jurisdiction and impeding the normal progress of the arbitration process.".The difficulty of this arbitration and litigation case lies in the fact that the leaders and employees of state-owned enterprises that the client negotiated,signed,and performed this series of contracts in the past have mostly left their jobs and are unwilling to testify.Some witnesses have selectively and tendentiously provided witness testimony to the other party in order to achieve the goal of evading huge debts.

After undertaking the above-mentioned litigation cases,the Institute has carefully studied the file materials,collected and prepared sufficient evidence,formulated targeted defense opinions,cross-examination opinions,and witness question lists,and repeatedly reasoned and practiced.From each sentence and paragraph of the other party and its agent,carefully examine the other party's intentions,seek out the other party's mistakes,find breakthroughs in the complex case,formulate a thorough litigation plan and defense strategy,assign lawyers Xiao Fangyong and Yang Liu to appear in court to defend,raise objections to the jurisdiction of the People's Court,and deny the termination of the contract.After hearing according to law,the court of first instance ruled to reject all the lawsuits of the other party;After the opposing party refused to accept the appeal,the court of second instance ruled again to reject the opposing party's appeal and maintain the original ruling.Therefore,the successful outcome of this lawsuit on behalf of our client also means that a series of litigation and arbitration cases related to the disputed matters have achieved significant milestones.My lawyer's agency work has received high praise and praise from the client.

From this case,our young lawyers learned a lot of experience and benefited greatly by listening and observing the debate ideas and court trial skills of two senior partner lawyers in complex arbitration and litigation cases.At the same time,the results we have achieved are the result of the concerted efforts of our lawyer team,which has invested a lot of time and energy,and has made unremitting efforts.Lawyer Gao Peng will still remember his original intention,live up to his heavy trust,fulfill his mission,and deserve the praise,trust,and trust of his clients.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)