Gaopeng & Partners (Nanjing) Held “2012 Year-End Partner Summary Meeting” -Gaopeng & Partners

2013 01/25

InJanuary 18,2013,Gaopeng&Partners(Nanjing)held the“2012 Year-End Partner Summary Meeting”presided by the Senior Partner Li Cao.

At this meeting,Partner Li Cao summarized all types of work in 2012,sufficiently recognized the achievements and purposed advancing solutions to all the deficiencies.All the lawyers discussed about the 2013 working plan of the law firm and presented their own.Party branch Secretary,lawyer Xiang Cai,reviewed the party membersundefined activities of this year.

The meeting awarded the“Annual Outstanding Staff 2012".They are lawyer Jinling Zhang,lawyer Ruxiang Liu,lawyer Ming Chen,secretary Tingting Jiang,“Best Intern Lawyer 2012"Dongsheng Yu and“Outstanding Party Member 2012"Lawyer Li Liang.

All the staff participated in the party at night.Everyone enjoyed the evening in a warm,happy and peaceful atmosphere.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)

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