Wang Peng
Senior Partner
Areas of practices

Maritime Affairs, Insurance, Civil and Commercial Dispute Resolution,

Practice experience
At the beginning of my work,I was engaged in judicial work.After graduating from my master's degree,I worked in legal work in large state-owned enterprises.Later,I worked as a full-time lawyer in professional case agency work and non litigation work in the fields of maritime and maritime affairs,marine insurance,international trade,investment,and other fields for a long time.I worked for shipowner mutual insurance associations in the United Kingdom,Japan,Sweden,and other countries,domestic and foreign large insurance companies,shipping companies,large freight forwarders,and large foreign trade companies Banks and industrial and commercial enterprises engage in perennial or specialized legal services,participate in the drafting of important contracts and documents,and provide professional investment legal evaluation work for large state-owned enterprises.

Represent domestic and foreign parties in litigation and arbitration activities.The cases represented have been repeatedly published as typical cases in the bulletins and websites of the Supreme People's Court.Served as the litigation agent of an insurance company for a long time to provide legal services for cargo damage recovery and defense.Since practicing,I have handled over 1000 different types of cases.

Currently,he is a member of the lawyer pool of PICC,Ping An Insurance,Sino Italian Property Insurance Co.,Ltd.,and Samsung Property Insurance(China)Co.,Ltd.

From a judge to a lawyer,I have over 20 years of professional legal experience,excellent legal literacy,precise and acute judgment,and risk control capabilities;Working experience in large state-owned enterprises,suitable for professional team work;Engaged in the management of law firms,with good interpersonal relationships and management experience.

Work experience
Lawyer Wang Peng founded Beijing Gaopeng (Tianjin) Law Firm in 2007. Before founding Beijing Gaopeng (Tianjin) Law Firm, he served as a lawyer and partner in Guangdong Jinghai Law Firm Tianjin Branch and Tianjin Jiade Hengshi Law Firm.
Educational background
Bachelor of International Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law
Master of International Economic Law, Shanghai Maritime University
Social positions
Arbitrator of China Maritime Arbitration Commission
Arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Representative cases
  • In 2022, acting as an agent for a large domestic insurance company to sue a Tianjin freight forwarding company for a dispute over a maritime freight forwarding contract, assisted the insurer in completing the evaluation report and fixing the evidence through pre litigation guidance; Promptly intervene in the execution of the settlement after obtaining the winning judgment, and actually obtain all the execution funds from the freight forwarder

  • In 2020, he acted as an agent for a large domestic insurance company to recover from the ship owner the cost of salvage and cargo handling for ships that hit rocks. "On the basis of assisting the insurer in handling matters related to general average allocation, the carrier is allowed to make compensation outside the limitation fund for maritime claims, in order to maximize the protection of the insurer's interests, in respect of losses such as high salvage costs that the cargo owner is forced to pay in order to mitigate the damage in a timely manner."

  • In 2019, acting as an agent for a large domestic insurance company and a ship owner in a dispute over a maritime cargo transportation contract, successfully obtained compensation from the ship owner through pre litigation negotiations

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Thesis and books
Working language
  • Chinese
  • English
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