Lawyer Wang Peng from Gaopeng (Tianjin) Institute was invited to give a legal speech for PICC

2012 09/14

On the morning of August 18, 2012, at the invitation of the Hebei Branch of the People's Insurance Company of China, lawyer Wang Peng from Gaopeng (Tianjin) Institute went to Tangshan to provide specialized professional training for the insurance claim settlement personnel of the insurance company and its subsidiaries. Lawyer Wang Peng gave a keynote speech on "Legal Issues to Be Noted in the Process of Settlement and Recovery of Marine Insurance Claims", and the on-site response was enthusiastic. After the meeting, lawyer Wang Peng provided on-site answers to common legal issues in insurance claims settlement after the participants asked questions. Through this activity, the professional image of Gaopeng Law Firm in the field of maritime and maritime affairs has been enhanced, and the professional concept of "integrity and professionalism" of Gaopeng Law Firm has also been reflected.

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