Hu Yijin
Senior Partner
Areas of practices

Corporation and Investment, Bank, Bankruptcy Liquidation and Restructure,

Practice experience
1、 Financial litigation business mainly engaged in

Since 2000, I have provided team support for bank personal loan business, drafted contracts for banks, and handled various loan businesses. So far, he has acted as an agent in many cases involving banks and asset management companies. Successful cases include obtaining a second instance court's ruling to support all of the bank's litigation claims under adverse circumstances where the bank was judged unsuccessful in the first instance, and the Supreme People's Court rejecting the other party's request for retrial; There is a single trust channel business through a trust company, and lawyers have worked hard to solve problems such as undisturbed distribution, mortgage priority recipients, and have been recognized by the court; There are lawsuits to clear mortgage rights, and the legal rights and interests of the bank have been safeguarded by lawyers; wait.

2、 Main corporate businesses
When serving as a legal advisor to a listed company, I participated in the resumption of trading of a limited liability company and issued a legal opinion, successfully assisting the company in its resumption of trading and listing.

Assisted a real estate consulting unit in representing the construction contract dispute case, and applied to the Jiangsu Provincial High People's Court for retrial to obtain support under the severe situation that both the first and second trials were fully unsuccessful.

3、 Mainly engaged in bankruptcy liquidation and reorganization business
As the person in charge, Mr. Hu Yijin led and executed the compulsory liquidation and bankruptcy liquidation of dozens of enterprises, including Nanjing Wanhui New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Wanrun Cold Formed Steel Co., Ltd., Nanjing Wanze Precision Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Nanjing Pacific Magnetic Technology Co., Ltd. Among them, two cases of reorganization were successfully conducted (including one case of merger, bankruptcy, and reorganization).

Work experience
Lawyer Hu Yijin practiced in 1998 and joined Beijing Gaopeng (Nanjing) Law Firm in 2010.
Educational background
Shanghai Jiaotong University Undergraduate Materials Engineering
Social positions
Deputy Director of the Complaint Investigation Special Committee of the Nanjing Lawyers Association (8th)
Director of the Nanjing Bankruptcy Administrators Association (the first session), Deputy Director of the Rights Protection and Punishment Work Committee
Director of the New Social Stratum Fellowship of Gulou District, Nanjing City
Member of the Third Public Committee of Gulou District, Nanjing City, Public Member of Nanjing City
Director of Case Law Research Association of Jiangsu Provincial Law Society


The title of "Gold Medal Lawyer" in Gulou District, Nanjing City in 2018
Jiangsu Provincial Court, Provincial Department of Justice, "Outstanding Duty Lawyer Assigned to the Court in 2019" and other honors

Representative cases
  • Represented a bank in an appeal case over a guarantee contract dispute with a company in Wuxi, and obtained a judgment from the court of second instance to support all of the bank's claims under the unfavorable circumstances of the first-instance judgment against the bank, and the Supreme People's Court rejected the other party's request for retrial

  • Represented a bank and a group company in a dispute over a financial loan contract, which was a channel business through a single trust of a trust company, and the lawyer worked hard to solve the problems such as original state distribution and mortgage priority payees and was recognized by the court

  • Represented a bank in a loan contract dispute between a bank and a company in Jiangsu, involving issues such as the coordinated disposal of real estate by multiple courts and ensuring that the bank realized priority in a timely manner before the debtor went bankrupt

  • Represented an asset management company in China and a department store in a dispute over a loan contract, involving issues such as the transfer of the company's assets during the previous restructuring and the demand for joint and several liability from the newly established company

  • Represented a real estate company and a construction company in Jiangsu in a construction project construction contract dispute, and applied to the Jiangsu Provincial Higher People's Court for retrial when both the first instance and the second instance were completely lost, and the application was upheld. After the retrial, the court upheld our claim that the price of the project should be determined through judicial appraisal

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Thesis and books

"Research on Non competition"
"Guarantee and Mortgage in Mortgage"
"False Mortgage"
Consumer Credit Related Laws and Operations
"Matters needing attention for the determination of creditor's rights and debts in the process of enterprise bankruptcy"
"Cases unable to be liquidated and the responsibilities of liquidation obligors"

Working language
  • Chinese
  • English
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