Main legal issues needing attention during the creation and use of audio-visual works

2023 01/19

Main legal issues needing attention during the creation and use of audio-visual works

With the continuous innovation and widespread application of mass communication technologies such as the Internet, digital technology, and multimedia, audio-visual works have diversified forms of expression, geometric growth in the number of products, and continuous expansion of communication channels. At the same time, legal issues have gradually increased. This article analyzes the legal issues involved in the creation of audio-visual works at different stages.

1、 About Audiovisual Works

Audiovisual works are works (audio and video) recorded on a material carrier and contain relevant images and dubbing, usually referring to films, television, video, and other works. Audiovisual works belong to collective works, that is, they are created with the participation of multiple types of personnel, including screenwriters, directors, actors, photographers, sound recorders, artists, makeup, costumes, props, and post editing, subtitles, lyrics, composition, and animation production. Such works have both the characteristics of deductive works and some of the characteristics of cooperative works.

The creation process of audio-visual works includes the arrangement of various materials, as well as the collocation of sounds, images, and words. The selection and arrangement of materials are all aimed at expressing the creative intent and purpose of creators in the fields of literature, art, and science. The process and means of creating audio-visual works are relatively complex, and audio-visual works exist throughout the entire industry chain of the film and television industry. For example, from novel publishing to game development, theme parks, and derivative product development.

2、 Investment model of audio-visual works

(1) Individual investment model

The independent investment model, in which a producer acts as an investor to independently invest in the production of audio-visual works, has the advantages of clear copyright and reduced communication costs. However, there are shortcomings such as high capital pressure and non dispersed investment risks.

(2) Joint investment model

The joint investment model includes the investment model of joint participation in production and the investment model of fixed investment return, wherein:

1. Investment model for joint production

This investment model consists of two or more producers acting as investors. Its characteristic is that all investors participate in the entire process of creating audio-visual works, including script development, selection of main creators, publicity and distribution, etc.

The following issues need to be noted when adopting a joint production investment model:

(1) The ownership of copyright in audio-visual works needs to be clearly agreed upon;

(2) Clear agreements need to be made on the production cost budget of audio-visual works, the investment proportion of each investor, the principle of income distribution, and the way to bear the overspending;

(3) It is necessary to make a clear agreement on which of the investors will act as the executive producer, distributor, and propagandist of the audio-visual works, as well as their corresponding rights and obligations.

2. The investment model of fixed investment returns

This investment model is characterized by two or more producers jointly acting as investors, with one or more investors only providing funds and not participating in the entire process of creating audio-visual works.

The following issues need to be noted when adopting a fixed investment return investment model:

(1) Ownership of copyright: Under this investment model, the copyright usually belongs to the actual producer, and for some/some investors who only provide funds, only the producer's right of authorship is enjoyed;

(2) The return ratio of the investor, the time of investment and payment collection.

(3) Commissioned production shooting mode

1. The main feature of this investment model is that the entrusting party provides funds, and the production company, as the trustee, is responsible for producing audio-visual works, including early preparation, early filming, and post production.

2. Issues to be noted when adopting this investment model:

(1) Ownership of copyright: Under this investment model, the copyright usually belongs to the entrusting party;

(2) Production cost budget of audio-visual works, selection and employment of main creators, shooting cycle, service fees, and income distribution (rewards).

3、 Issues needing attention at different stages of audio-visual works creation

The stages of audio-visual works creation are mainly divided into five stages: project approval, preparation, production and shooting, distribution, and derivative product development.

(1) Project approval stage:

Looking for good projects depends on the producer's market judgment. In addition, at this stage, the main attention should be paid to submitting the script (outline) of the audio-visual work to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television or relevant competent departments for project approval before shooting.

(2) Preparatory stage

1. Characteristics: The most important stage of clarifying the ownership of rights

2. Main issues to be noted at this stage:

(1) The issue of adaptation rights

Applicable conditions: The novel or literary work has been published and requires the right to adapt.

Attention: Clarify two relationships, namely, the relationship between the original work and the audio-visual work, and the relationship between the author of the original work and the producer; The type, content, and duration of adaptation rights, as well as the ownership, exclusivity, and other rights of audio-visual works, should be clearly stipulated in the "Adaptation Rights Transfer Agreement".

(2) Script issues

Screenplay is the foundation for the creation of audio-visual works, which can be divided into two forms: original creation and adaptation creation.

The main issues that should be paid attention to in screenplays are: clarifying two relationships, namely, the relationship between screenplays and audio-visual works, and the relationship between screenwriters and producers; The copyright of the script; Replacement conditions and handling methods of screenwriters; Ownership of copyright in audio-visual works.

(3) Production stage

The execution stage of audio-visual production involves many and complex matters. This stage fully demonstrates the importance of producers. Main issues to be noted at this stage:

1. Signing of various contracts and documents

(1) Contracts signed by the crew: employment contracts for directors, actors, and staff, as well as leasing contracts for clothing, props, and venues. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of ownership of copyright; The problem of leaving the group halfway; Participate in late publicity and dubbing issues; Problems with overdue filming (make-up), etc.

(2) Contracts signed by investors: music contracts, script contracts, adaptation rights contracts, certain important director and actor contracts.

(3) Music contract: For published music works, the mode of signing an authorized use contract is usually adopted, in which a clear agreement on the method, duration, scope, etc. of authorized use is required. In addition, it is recommended to require relevant persons of musical works to provide documentary evidence of their legal copyright to ensure that there are no legal obstacles to the use of authorized musical works in the distribution process of audio-visual works.

For unpublished music works, the mode of signing a commissioned creation contract is usually adopted, in which a clear agreement on the ownership of copyright is required. In addition, it is also recommended to require the relevant person of the music work to provide corresponding proof documents.

2. Supervision of the crew

For investors, it is necessary to supervise the production team, including the implementation of production cost budgets, financial payments, etc.

3. Manage advertising placement

Usually negotiated jointly by the producer, director, and screenwriter.

(4) Release stage

The distribution stage is the stage where the value of audio-visual works is reflected. The following main issues should be noted in the signing of the issuance contract at this stage:

1. Authorization period: Different issuance channels have different authorization periods. The authorization period should be clearly agreed in the issuance contract.

2. Time of initial issuance: The time of initial dissemination through each issuance channel should be clear to ensure the maximization of investors' interests.

3. During the film distribution process, the distribution and screening contract signed by the producer and the cinema line should clearly stipulate the box office allocation, payment period, cinema supervision, etc.

(5) Development and use stages of derivative products

The scope of derivative products usually includes toys, games, theme parks, etc. The main issues that should be paid attention to during the development and use stages of derivatives are:

1. Acquisition time of derivative product rights: The best time is at the preparatory stage or later stage through negotiation;

2. The acquisition method of derivative rights: one-time buyout or contract payment plus later sharing.

Industry · New Deal

"Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television on Further Strengthening the Management of Online Microdramas and Implementing the Creation Improvement Plan"

On November 14, 2022, the State Administration of Radio and Television issued the "Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television on Further Strengthening the Management of Online Microdramas and Implementing the Creation Improvement Plan". According to the content of the "Notice", the relevant main measures are:

(1) Seriously and solidly carry out the special rectification of "small program" type online micro short dramas.

Focusing on "small program" online mini dramas with content such as pornographic vulgarity, bloody violence, low style, and aesthetic vulgarity, special rectification was carried out. Guide key audiovisual platforms to improve algorithms and push mechanisms, increase the push of high-quality online mini dramas, and create a clearer online audiovisual space.

(2) Strengthen standardized management and implement creative improvement plans.

The "Notice" clearly states that it is necessary to strengthen political guidance for online audio-visual platforms and production institutions, highlight the "red light" and draw a "red line" in the management of online micro short dramas, strictly prohibit the creation and broadcast of programs that endanger political security and social stability, strictly prevent the creative tendency of historical nihilism, and strictly prevent the "low-level red" and "high-level black" issues of programs. In addition, we will continue to address issues such as star chasing, excessive entertainment, abnormal aesthetics, illegal and immoral artists, flaunting wealth and money worship, and fickle levitation.

"Opinions on Promoting the Prosperity and Development of Short Drama Creation"

On December 6, 2022, the State Administration of Radio and Television issued the Opinions on Promoting the Prosperity and Development of Short Drama Creation.

"Opinions" proposes to adhere to the correct direction of creation; Adhere to the people-centered creative orientation; Strengthening the creation of short dramas with realistic themes; Improve the creative ability of short dramas; Cultivate and strengthen the main body of short drama creation; Constructing modern short drama communication pattern and market system; Strengthening literary criticism of short plays; Fulfill management responsibilities effectively.

The Opinions also clarify that each TV station and its affiliated new media should actively carry out self-made or leading production of short plays, and attach importance to the development and operation of short play copyright; Various online audio-visual platforms should take advantage of their scale, data, technology, and other advantages, actively explore innovative operational models, and further activate the momentum of short drama creation through self-made, customized, copyrighted, and distributed methods; Various TV and online drama production and operation institutions should timely capture market demand, launch excellent short dramas that meet the psychological expectations of the audience, create new highlights of spiritual and cultural life, and form a virtuous cycle of short drama investment, production, and consumption.

"Procedures for Handling Requests for Instructions in Administrative Protection Cases of Intellectual Property Rights"

On December 6, 2022, the Office of the China National Intellectual Property Administration printed and distributed the Measures for Handling Requests for Instructions on Administrative Protection of Intellectual Property.

There are 26 articles in the Measures, which clarify that when handling specific cases, the lower level intellectual property management department should seek instructions from the higher level intellectual property management department if it is difficult to make a decision on issues that involve legal application, case handling procedures, case characterization, and other aspects that are truly difficult and within the scope of its business guidance function after research at the same level; The request for instructions for a case should follow the principle of requesting instructions level by level and be submitted in writing. The document should include the basic situation of the case, specific issues requiring instructions, focus of disputes and tendentious opinions, and other materials required by the superior intellectual property management department.

Measures of Shenzhen Municipality on the Administration of Outdoor Advertising Facilities

On September 9, 2022, the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government announced the "Shenzhen Outdoor Advertising Facilities Management Measures", which will be implemented as of January 1, 2023.

The Measures include six chapters and fifty articles, which define outdoor advertising facilities as "commercial or public welfare advertising facilities with outdoor visibility and facing public space", improve the regulations on the carrier and form of outdoor advertising, specify the places and circumstances where outdoor advertising facilities are prohibited, and refine the categories of outdoor signs. The "Measures" clearly stipulates that the establishment of large-scale outdoor advertising facilities shall be approved, and the lintel signboards on the first floor shall be filed. Non large-scale outdoor advertising, buses, taxis, trucks, and other vehicle advertisements can be set up by themselves in accordance with the requirements of the setting guidelines. The advertising facilities on the construction site walls and bus shelters shall be set up in accordance with the requirements of relevant departments.