How many main creators are there?

2022 12/19

Hot spot · analysis

How many main creators are there?

1、 What is the meaning of the main creators in movies and TV dramas?

As we all know, the success of a film and television drama cannot be separated from the investment of huge funds and the participation of a large number of professionals. Speaking of film and television professionals, people generally think of directors, screenwriters, leading actors, and so on. However, there is also a common name in the film and television industry, especially in the project planning documents and various film and television contracts of film and television dramas, which is inevitably mentioned as "lead creators.".

On September 29, 2014, the General Office of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television (formerly known as the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television) issued a "restriction on ugliness" that referred to "main creators", requiring the suspension of the broadcasting of films, TV dramas, television programs, online dramas, and micro films produced by illegal and criminal actors such as drug users and prostitutes. Article 28 of the "Regulations on the Production and Operation of Radio, Television, and Online Audiovisual Programs" (Draft for Comments) issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television on August 8, 2022 also stipulates that if the selection of main creators in radio, television, and online audiovisual programs is inappropriate, resulting in adverse social impacts, the competent department of radio, television, and television has the right to order correction; Those who refuse to make corrections will be given a warning and fined.

The main creator, as the name suggests, refers to the main personnel who create movies and TV dramas. In general, the salaries of the main creators in film and television dramas are much higher than those of other cast members, and the responsibilities borne by the main creators are more significant. The requirements for the main creators in film and television drama broadcasting platforms and film and television production companies are also more stringent.

2、 What are the main creators of film and television dramas?

The significance of the main creators is significant, so what personnel do the main creators generally include? The scope of the main creators cannot be arbitrarily specified, but should be determined according to certain normative documents or industry practices. Let's first take a look at the regulatory documents issued by the industry authorities regarding the scope of the main creators.

In 1996, the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Production Management of Feature Films" (which has expired) issued by the Film Business Administration of the Ministry of Radio, Film, and Television stipulated that the main creators include: screenwriters, directors, photographers, leading actors, sound recordings, artists, producers, or production directors.

On December 13, 2001, the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (formerly) issued Article 2 of the "Regulations on the Administration of Engaging Overseas Creative Personnel to Participate in the Production of Domestic Films", which states: "The term" overseas creative personnel "as used in these regulations refers to directors, screenwriters, photographers, and leading actors engaged in film creation outside China (including Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Regions, and Taiwan Province)."
On September 21, 2004, the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (formerly) issued Article 6 (5) of the "Regulations on the Administration of Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Production of TV Dramas", which stipulates: "A total of creative and technical personnel shall be assigned to participate in the entire process of production. Among the main creators (screenwriters, producers, directors, and main actors) of TV dramas, the Chinese personnel shall not be less than 1/3;"

To sum up, it can be seen that the main creative personnel specified in administrative normative documents vary and change over time, mainly including producers, directors, screenwriters, main actors, photography, sound recordings, artists, producers, or production directors. If the administrative department mentions the main creative personnel, it mainly refers to the above personnel range.

In industry practice, the scope of main creators is relatively broader. Generally speaking, when purchasing film and television dramas, broadcast platforms for film and television dramas also agree on the scope of main creators in agreements, and require them to assume certain responsibilities and obligations. The author summarizes the agreements in several broadcast platform contracts and finds that the scope of main creators mainly includes the following personnel: producers, directors, screenwriters, photographers Major actors (top performers), recording, art, production supervision, modeling, special effects, post production, editing, music, and more.

The production of each film and television drama has gathered a lot of effort and sweat from the film and television staff. Both the main and non main creators have made arduous efforts, and everyone's work should be understood and respected by everyone.

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