Four cases represented by Lawyer Gao Peng were selected for the "Chaoyang Lawyer's Foreign Legal Services White Paper"

2024 04/18

Recently, the Chaoyang District Lawyers Association of Beijing officially released the "Chaoyang Lawyers Foreign Legal Services White Paper" (referred to as the "White Paper") at the Beijing CBD Foreign Legal Services Seminar. Gaopeng Law Firm responded to the work arrangements of the Chaoyang District Lawyers Association and actively submitted project cases. The four cases undertaken by our senior partners, Wang Lei, Jiang Liyong, and Qian Wenjie, were selected as key foreign-related legal service achievements in the "Introduction to Key foreign-related Legal Service Achievements" section of the White Paper.

Gaopeng Selected Project/Case List

Foreign economic and trade frictions - International trade rules - Anti dumping

Case: Eurasian Economic Union's anti-dumping investigation on galvanized steel sheets (2019-2020)

Lawyer in charge: Qian Wenjie

Foreign Economic and Trade Frictions - Investigation of International Trade Rules-337
Case: US Steel 337 Investigation into China (2016-2018)

Lawyers in charge: Qian Wenjie, Jiang Liyong, Wang Lei

Foreign economic and trade frictions - International trade rules - Other investigations
Case: Investigation on Protection Measures for Galvanized Sheet/Aluminum Zinc Plating in the Philippines (2020-2021)

Lawyer in charge: Qian Wenjie

International Dispute Resolution and Rules Negotiation - WTO Dispute Resolution
Case: China v. EU Fastener Dispute (2009-2016)

Lawyers in charge: Wang Lei, Jiang Liyong, Qian Wenjie

In addition, Gaopeng Law Firm is also one of the 49 law firms selected for this white paper to provide foreign-related legal service cases.

Gaopeng Office warmly congratulates the selected lawyer for the case and will continue to consolidate their advantages in foreign business, develop new areas, and provide comprehensive foreign legal services from trade remedies to investment, compliance, dispute resolution, and other aspects for our clients.
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