Lawyer Hu Jie was invited to give a special lecture for the university teacher training class organized by the China Education Development Strategy Society

2024 08/19

On August 8, 2024, Lawyer Hu Jie, Senior Partner of Gaopeng Law Firm, was invited as one of the lecturers to participate in the second "Evaluation and Training Course for the Construction and Development of University Teacher Teams" organized by the Talent Development Professional Committee of the China Education Development Strategy Society in Hohhot. More than 90 personnel workers from education authorities across the country, over 40 universities, and research institutes participated in the training course, aiming to jointly promote innovation and high-quality development of personnel and talent work in universities, deepen talent evaluation reform, and promote the construction of a high-quality teacher team.


Lawyer Hu Jie


On site communication

In this training class, Lawyer Hu Jie, as one of the lecturers, focused on the theme of "Legal Knowledge and Case Analysis of Personnel Relations in Colleges and Universities". She exchanged and shared with various experts on the differences between personnel disputes and labor disputes, the characteristics of personnel relations, the scope of personnel disputes, the applicable laws of personnel disputes, typical personnel disputes and labor dispute cases in colleges and universities. Finally, she put forward legal suggestions on the prevention of legal risks in personnel and labor relations in colleges and universities based on practical experience, which aroused widespread attention and enthusiastic response from everyone
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