Gaopeng Enterprise Compliance Risk Management Symposium Successfully Held

2023 06/19

On the afternoon of June 16, 2023, the "Enterprise Compliance Risk Management Symposium" initiated by the Development Committee of Gaopeng Law Firm's Beijing headquarters was successfully held in the multi-functional hall of Gaopeng Law Firm. This meeting was chaired by Lawyer Zhang Yi, Senior Partner of the General Office, and more than 100 participants participated offline or online.

The theme of this seminar is "Enterprise Compliance Risk Management", mainly focusing on how enterprise management and employee performance comply with national laws and regulations, regulatory regulations, industry standards, international treaty rules, and relevant foreign national laws and regulations.

The field of enterprise compliance refers to the areas that enterprises need to focus on in compliance management, reflecting the regulatory focus of regulatory agencies on enterprises and the expectations of the public for enterprise compliance operations. The key compliance areas involved in each industry vary depending on the industry characteristics, business models, and regulatory intensity of the business. This seminar specifically discusses eight key compliance areas that are common in various industries, including tax compliance, criminal compliance, labor law compliance, environmental protection (carbon emissions) compliance, intellectual property compliance, data security compliance, and antitrust compliance.

Eleven experienced partners and lawyers from the Beijing General Office, Nanjing Branch, and Yangzhou Branch provided detailed explanations on how enterprises can effectively manage compliance risks in the eight areas mentioned above. Based on their own experience, they shared how to provide legal services for compliance risk management for enterprises and how to help them prevent, identify, evaluate, report, and respond to compliance risks.

Meeting site

The speeches of lawyers in various thematic areas were interspersed, and other attending lawyers also had free discussions and exchanges on relevant issues in the eight areas mentioned above. The atmosphere at the seminar was warm, and the speaking lawyers and attending lawyers had in-depth and detailed discussions, fully demonstrating Gaopeng's business expertise and professional literacy in "corporate compliance risk management". The meeting lasted for over four hours, and all participants benefited greatly, achieving a complete success.

This symposium deepened the understanding of lawyers on various details of corporate compliance risk management, clarified the future work content and case handling ideas of Lawyer Gaopeng, and laid a solid foundation for the promotion and development of related legal services in the future.