Gaopeng Law Firm was listed in Chambers Greater China's "International Trade" and "Anti monopoly" fields

2022 01/27

On January 12,2022,Chambers&Partners,an internationally renowned legal service rating agency,released the 2022 Greater China Region Guide,and Gaopeng Law Firm was once again ranked among Chambers'2022 Chinese law firms in the"international trade"and"anti monopoly"fields.

Lawyer Jiang Liyong,a member of our management committee and senior partner,was selected on the list of"competition/antitrust"and"international trade/world trade"fields,and has been rated as an outstanding lawyer in this field for many consecutive years due to his outstanding business capabilities.Lawyer Qian Wenjie,a senior partner of our firm,has been selected on the list of"International Trade/World Trade"fields for many consecutive years,and has continued to be approved.

This year is also the first year that Chambers has changed the"Asia Pacific Legal Guide"to"Greater China Legal Guide".Highlights the importance attached to the legal market in Greater China.

Since 2006,Gaopeng Law Firm has been continuously selected by Chambers as the best law firm in China in the field of"international trade".Since 2013,Gaopeng Law Firm has been continuously selected by Chambers as the best law firm in China in the field of"anti monopoly".

Lawyer Wang Lei,a partner of Gaopeng,was the first Chinese lawyer to be selected by Chambers as the top Chinese lawyer in the field of international trade law.Lawyer Wang and his team have been awarded National Excellent Lawyer,Beijing Excellent Lawyer,and Chaoyang District Excellent Lawyer for their outstanding contributions in the field of international trade.In addition,Lawyer Zhang Yi has also been selected by Chambers as the recommended Chinese lawyer in the field of international trade law.

Chambers was founded in London,England,in 1990.Through in-depth research and rigorous evaluation systems,it has selected the top law firms and legal professionals in various fields.Its research covers the legal service market in nearly 200 countries around the world,and is known as the most trusted authoritative reference for clients seeking high-end legal services.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)