Warmly celebrate Gaopeng& Partnersachieving “Annual outstandingfirmcases 2012" award-Gaopeng & Partners

2013 01/29
In the special report“Outstanding cases-Most conspicuous case 2012”in Hong Kong"Commercial"magazine published in January 2013,WANG Lei,lawyer of Gaopeng&Partners,and his team by virtue of undertaking the WTO case:EU-Chinaundefineds fastener(anti-dumping)measures(Complaint:China MOFCOM),selected"China annual outstanding firm cases--OutstandingInternational trade lawcase".

As a former official of Chinaundefineds accession to WTO negotiation and the Uruguay Round as well as anattorney of Chinese enterprises in international trade remedy cases,WANG Lei from Gaopeng&Partners as the only Chinese lawyer,fully participated in the work of the EU-Fastener Case and finally won this significant case.

"Commercial"(China Business Law Journal)is a monthly journal designed for personnel focusing on Chinese commercial law,China and International trade.“Commercial”concentrates in changes of laws and regulations,law application and practice,picking out the most effective legal strategy to manage complex commercial transactions,and providingcase analysis of representative and guiding casesfrom Chinese and foreign lawyers and lawyers firms.“Annual outstanding firmcases 2012"ismost professional-law-representative cases screened out during the period of Dec,2011 to Dec,2012.All these case are screened out based on“Commercial”‘slong-time research.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)