Completely Win the Sino European Fastener Dispute
2016 01/19Author:Qian WenjieChina's overall victory in the fastener dispute has shaken the legal foundation of the substitute country system in the EU anti-dumping investigation against China,and will also have a profound impact on the legislation and practice of the EU and other countries in anti-dumping investigations against China. -
2013 07/20Author:钱文婕为防患未然,企业应加强商业贿赂的风险防范意识。在面临商业贿赂问题时,企业应采取适当的应对策略,化解危机。2013年7月11日,公安部宣布对葛兰素中给予交易对方有关人员和能够影响交史克(中国)投资有限公司(以下简易的其他相关人员以财物或其他好处的称“葛兰素”)的部分高管涉嫌商业不正当竞争行为。贿赂等严重经济犯罪行为,正式立案葛兰素案表明了中国政府打击商侦查。该事件一经报道,即引起国内业贿赂、治理商业环境的