Zhang Yang
Areas of practices

Real Estate and Large Infrastructure Project, Corporation and Investment, Civil and Commercial Dispute Resolution,

Practice experience
Lawyer Zhang Yang is mainly engaged in construction real estate, civil and commercial dispute resolution and other related businesses.
Lawyer Zhang Yang has 15 years of experience in construction real estate related businesses. His business involves real estate development enterprises and construction enterprise management, various types of buildings, and legal services for the entire process of large-scale infrastructure construction. He has been committed to legal affairs in the field of construction projects and real estate, and has rich practical experience in bidding for construction projects, management of construction contracts and risk prevention, on-site visa and claim management for construction projects, completion settlement, and legal risk prevention in the entire process of real estate development. He has successively served as a member of a municipal subway group Co., Ltd., a state-owned real estate enterprise National construction enterprises and other large and medium-sized development and construction enterprises have provided consulting services, and successfully participated in the entire legal service of multiple projects such as a stock exchange operation center project, Zhuhai Hengqin District municipal infrastructure BT project, a city's data lake PPP project, Yangzhou Canal Grand Theater project, and served as legal counsel for various construction industry associations such as Yangzhou Construction Industry Association, And has rich experience in handling litigation cases in this field.
Work experience
Lawyer Zhang Yang joined Beijing Gaopeng (Yangzhou) Law Firm in 2012. Before joining Beijing Gaopeng (Yangzhou) Law Firm, she worked as a lawyer in the Shenzhen Branch and Shanghai General Office of Shanghai Jianwei Law Firm.
Educational background

Bachelor of Law, Northwest University of Political Science and Law
Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Yangzhou University

Social positions
Arbitrator of Yangzhou Arbitration Commission
Director of Yangzhou Construction Enterprise Legal Affairs Research Association
Member of Young Lawyers Working Committee of Yangzhou Lawyers Association
Member of the Construction Real Estate Business Committee of Yangzhou Lawyers Association
In 2020, Zhang Yang was awarded the title of "Excellent Lawyer" in Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City
Representative cases
Perennial legal service customers / Civil action /
  • Yangzhou Construction Engineering Holding Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Huajian Construction Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Huajian Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Weiye Installation Group Co., Ltd., Yangzhou Construction Industry Association, Hanjiang District Construction Industry Association, Jiangdu District Construction Industry Association, etc

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  • Agent for the first and second instance of the case of Jiangsu Huajian Construction Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Haidong Real Estate Co., Ltd. on construction contract disputes

  • Agent for the first instance case of Jiangsu Longji Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. v. Taizhou Yongbang Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. Construction Project Construction Contract

  • Agent for the first instance case of Jiangsu Huajian Construction Co., Ltd. v. Taizhou Hongyi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. on construction contract disputes

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Thesis and books

"Taizhou Construction Technology" published "Project Manager Labor Contract and Social Security Division, How to Determine the Ownership of Labor Relations", "Analysis of Criminal Responsibility in the Field of Engineering Bidding"
"Yangzhou Construction Industry" published "Forms and Legal Consequences of Illegal Acts of Contracting and Contracting Construction Projects"

Working language
  • Chinese