"Network Drama Distribution License" officially launched

2022 06/01

Hot spot·analysis

The official launch of the"Online Drama Distribution License"further standardizes the management of the online audiovisual industry.Online dramas and broadcast television may be subject to the same standard management

Hot spot of current affairs

On May 10,2022,netizens discovered that the title of"Online Drama Distribution License"was added in front of the feature film of the online drama"Duel"premiered by iQiyi and Tencent,with the number of"(General Administration)Online Drama Review Zi(2022)No.001".

Wangju Shenzi

After that,netizens picked it up again.On May 18,2022,the online film"Leaves on the Golden Mountain",which was launched on iQiyi,Youku,and Tencent,became the first online film to obtain a license,with the number of"(General Administration)Wangyinshenzi(2022)No.001".

Wang Ying Shen Zi

Legal Analysis

Previously,according to the"Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Online Audiovisual Programs such as Online Dramas and Micro Films"issued by the State Administration of Radio,Film,and Television(formerly known as the State Administration of Radio,Film,and Television)on July 6,2012,online dramas and online films can only be broadcast after obtaining an"online filing number"after online filing.The broadcast application process and requirements are relatively simple,and there is no need to review the finished product.On December 27,2018,the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television issued the"Notice on Upgrading the Information Filing System for Online Audiovisual Programs",stipulating that from February 15,2019,key online film and television dramas(including online movies with a total investment of over 1 million yuan and online dramas with a total investment of over 5 million yuan)can be played and promoted on the homepage of various audio-visual program websites(clients),or used for investment promotion,member recommendation,online recommendation Online film and television dramas with excellent program promotion)shall be registered by the production organization in the"Key Online Film and Television Drama Information Filing System"for filing.

Radio and TV dramas(including domestic dramas,co production dramas,and introduced dramas)are subject to a relatively strict content review and distribution license system,and can only be released and broadcasted after obtaining a"Television Drama Distribution License"in accordance with the relevant provisions of the"Regulations on the Management of Television Drama Content.".The review of online broadcasting of cinema films is also relatively strict.After the completion of film shooting,it is necessary to go to the film regulatory department to review the completed films.The films that have passed the review can obtain the"Film Public Release License(Dragon Sign)"and"Film Public Release License"before they can be publicly broadcast.

In recent years,with the booming development of the online audio-visual industry,the number of online dramas is increasing,the influence is also expanding,and the audience's attention to online dramas is also increasing.Therefore,it is necessary for industry authorities to strengthen the management of online dramas.After a period of trial implementation of the"Network Drama Distribution License",recently,the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television issued the"Notice on Issues Related to the Management of Domestic Network Drama Distribution License Service"(G.T.B.F.[2022]No.128),officially notifying the inclusion of domestic network drama review in administrative licensing matters.As of June 1,2022,A"Network Drama Distribution License"will be fully issued for domestic key network dramas(the same standard as the previous key network movie and television dramas).When domestic key network dramas are broadcast online,a unified logo should be used,and the issuance license number should be fixed in a prominent position at the beginning of the program for display.

Nowadays,the official launch of the"online drama distribution license"seems to indicate that online drama will implement a standard and integrated management requirement with broadcast television.As for the specific approval process and requirements for the"Network Drama Distribution License",everyone should also pay attention to the relevant notices from the local provincial radio,television,and radio bureau.

Industry·New Deal

1."Model Text of Actor Employment Contract(Trial)"released to the public

On May 7,2022,with the approval of the State Administration of Radio and Television,the"Model Text of Actor Employment Contract(Trial)"jointly formulated by the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations and the China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association was released to the public,with instructions for the use of the contract attached.

The explanation mentioned that all parties should strictly abide by the relevant documents and spirit,and limit the actor's remuneration ratio and the maximum remuneration standard to a reasonable production cost range.According to the requirements of"Opinions on the Allocation Ratio of Production Cost for TV and Online Dramas",the total remuneration of all actors shall not exceed 4%of the total production cost,of which the main actors shall not exceed 7%of the total remuneration of the actors,and other actors shall not be less than 3%of the total remuneration of the actors.

Labor contracts such as actor film remuneration must be signed in writing in the name of the actor,and may not be after-tax income contracts.Contracts such as consulting and planning must not be signed in the name of close relatives or other related parties unrelated to the performance activity to split the film remuneration.Labor income such as film remuneration shall not be paid in cash,and income shall not be concealed in the form of disguised payments such as equity,real estate,jewelry,calligraphy and painting,collectibles,etc.Personal income shall be strictly distinguished from studio operating income and company income.The actor employment contract should specify the remuneration distribution between the actor brokerage company/actor studio and the actor himself,as well as the corresponding contractual obligations.

2.The State Administration of Radio,Film and Television strengthens the promotion of the"TV Series Master Production Specification"

From April 1,2022,the"Master Production Specification for TV Dramas"issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television(SARFT)was officially implemented:the main length of regular episodes should not be less than 41 minutes,the opening length should not exceed 90 seconds,and the ending length should not exceed 180 seconds.The original length of"pre review"and"next episode preview"should not exceed 30 seconds.In addition,the Code proposes rules such as signing in accordance with laws and regulations,and signing in good faith.

On May 13,2022,Zhu Yonglei,Deputy Director of the State Administration of Radio,Film and Television,and a member of the Party Leadership Group,attended the promotion of the"TV Series Master Production Specification"and held a teleconference on the storage of national TV series versions.Zhu Yonglei pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand the significance of the issuance of two documents,namely,the"TV Series Master Production Specification"and the"Notice on Developing the National TV Series Version Storage Management Work",promote the standardization and standardization of TV series production,build a national TV series version storage system,and provide strong support for the high-quality development of TV series.

3.The State Administration of Radio,Film and Television(SARFT)has issued foreign translation specifications:Try to avoid one dubbing actor dubbing multiple characters for the same program

The State Administration of Radio and Television(SARFT)has organized relevant units to prepare industry standards for the Foreign Translation of Radio,Television,and Online Audiovisual Programs in accordance with the requirements and plans for the development of industry standards for radio,television,and online audiovisual programs.It is indicated that for the same program,it is advisable to avoid one voice actor dubbing multiple characters,and the voices of different characters should have a clear degree of recognition.The voice of the same character should be completed by the same voice actor,and the entire film should be consistent.

4."Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television on Matters Related to the Administration of Distribution Licensing Services for Domestic Network Dramas"(Radio and Television Administration[2022]No.128)

From June 1,2022,the"Network Drama Distribution License"for domestic key network dramas will be fully issued.When domestic key network dramas are broadcast online,a unified logo should be used,and the issuance license number should be fixed in a prominent position at the beginning of the program for display.

5.Jiangsu Radio,Film and Television Bureau printed and issued the"Work Specification for the Identification of Illegal TV Network Receiving Equipment in Jiangsu Province(for Trial Implementation)"

The"Specification"specifies the authority basis,identification department,and object scope for the radio and television department to identify illegal television network receiving equipment,standardizes the list of preparatory work before the applicant applies for identification,provides a reference template for the radio and television department's identification opinions,and puts forward specific requirements for the video recording process to support the identification opinions.According to statistics,in the past three years,the radio and television departments at all levels in Jiangsu Province have cooperated with the public security organs to investigate and handle a large number of cases related to illegal television network reception equipment.The radio and television departments have issued 115 opinions on the identification of network television reception equipment(software)in accordance with the law,providing important support for case filing and investigation.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)