Gao Peng's lawyer's defense is effective, and the "non smoking case" will not be prosecuted ultimately

2021 04/25

An asset management company in Beijing is suspected of illegally absorbing public deposits,involving a total amount of over 30 billion yuan."The training manager of the second branch of the company,Chang,was also criminally detained by the Chaoyang Public Security Bureau in Beijing.After Chang's detention,his family entrusted Guo Jinhui's lawyer team to provide legal assistance and defense.Chang's family cooperated with the judicial authority to return the remuneration obtained by Chang during his four years in the company to the public security organ.The lawyer proposed to the procuratorial organ that Chang should not be approved for arrest.After communication between the lawyer and the public security organ and the procuratorial organ,",The procuratorial organ accepted the lawyer's opinion and failed to approve the arrest application for Chang.The public security organ granted Chang a guarantor pending trial.

At the stage of transferring the case to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution,the lawyer reviewed the case and submitted a written defense opinion to the procuratorial organ.The lawyer believed that Chang,as a non company management employee,was unaware of the company's illegal fund-raising business and had no subjective intention of illegally absorbing public deposits.His behavior did not constitute a crime.To put it a step further,even if it constituted a crime,his criminal circumstances were very minor,and his family members actively returned compensation,Non prosecution should also be made.

Finally,the procuratorial organ adopted the lawyer's defense opinions and made a decision not to prosecute Chang.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)