Gaopeng Core Committee Securities Legal Services Symposium Successfully Held

2023 07/20

On the afternoon of July 19, 2023, the "Securities Legal Service Business Seminar" hosted by the Core Committee of Gaopeng Law Firm's Beijing headquarters was successfully held in the multi-functional hall of Gaopeng Law Firm. This meeting was chaired by Lawyer Jiang Liyong, Senior Partner of the General Office, and 20 participants including the Core Committee, Business Supervision Group, Head of the General Office and Branch, and Securities Business Partners participated offline or online.

The theme of this seminar is "Report on the Situation and Hot Development of Legal Services in Securities Business in 2023", mainly focusing on how law firms carry out securities legal service business, comply with national securities laws and regulations, regulatory regulations, industry standards, and other laws and regulations, as well as how to better conduct risk assessment and control in the process of providing legal services as law firms.

As one of the intermediaries in the capital market for issuing securities, law firms play an important role. This includes not only providing legal advice, but also assessing and controlling risks during the process, ensuring the legality and compliance of securities issuance, and developing more mature internal control mechanisms and improving processes.

Several partners and lawyers with rich experience in the Beijing headquarters, Shanghai, Nanjing, Yangzhou, and Zhengzhou branches introduced in detail the summary and outlook of Gaopeng headquarters and branches' securities business in the first half of 2023, and shared the latest development and trends of the securities legal service market based on their own experience and current affairs hotspots. At the same time, they also deeply explored how to serve as a provider of securities legal services, better preventing and controlling from within the law firm Identify, evaluate, report and respond to risks, develop comprehensive, comprehensive, and implementable specific risk assessments and control mechanisms.

The meeting was interspersed with speeches from lawyers in various thematic areas, and other attending lawyers also had free discussions and exchanges on the above related issues. The atmosphere at the seminar was warm, and the speaking lawyers and attending lawyers had in-depth and detailed discussions. The attending lawyers mentioned that the securities legal service market is a rapidly developing, constantly changing and updated field. Emerging development brings more opportunities but also new challenges. In order to address the risks that may arise from legal services in the securities market, law firms should develop more detailed and mature risk control mechanisms internally. Corresponding risk corresponding mechanisms should be established before, during, and after providing legal services to ensure the legality and compliance of legal services to the greatest extent possible. And these mechanisms should be improved accordingly based on the updates of laws and regulations and changes in business development.

The attendees of this seminar had a lively discussion, fully demonstrating Gaopeng's expertise and professional competence in securities legal business. The conference lasted for over two hours, and all participants benefited greatly. The seminar was a complete success.

This seminar deepened the understanding of lawyers on various details of risk management in securities legal services, clarified the future work content and risk control ideas of Lawyer Gaopeng, and laid a solid foundation for the promotion and development of related legal services in the future.
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