Lawyer Yang Shuhan from the Shenzhen branch has been appointed as a hearing officer at the Shenzhen district level procuratorate

2023 06/20

Since 2023, after being selected by the People's Procuratorate of Yantian District, Beijing Gaopeng (Shenzhen) Law Firm Lawyer Yang Shuhan has been employed as the first hearer of the People's Procuratorate of Yantian District by virtue of his rich judicial practice experience, excellent professional level and good social service spirit. Previously, after the People's Procuratorate of Guangming District of Shenzhen City studied and decided that Lawyer Yang Shuhan had been employed as the first hearer of the People's Procuratorate of Guangming District of Shenzhen City.



Lawyer Yang Shuhan of Gaopeng (Shenzhen) Law Firm was employed as the hearer of the People's Procuratorate in Yantian District and Guangming District of Shenzhen

The procuratorial hearing system was established by the Supreme People's Procuratorate in September 2020 through the "Regulations on the Hearing Work of People's Procuratorates in Examining Cases". It aims to promote judicial openness, ensure judicial fairness, resolve social conflicts, and safeguard the people's right to know, participation, and supervision by conducting hearings in judicial cases in accordance with the law.

The appointment of the first batch of procuratorial hearers of the People's Procuratorate of Yantian District is both an honor and a mission. Lawyer Yang Shuhan stated that he will firmly assume responsibility, enhance his sense of responsibility, leverage his professional expertise, strictly abide by the confidentiality of case handling, and fulfill various responsibilities as a people's supervisor and hearing officer; Participate in every hearing activity with sincerity and emotion, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, effectively fulfill the supervision responsibilities of the hearing, jointly promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work, and make the people more able to feel the "temperature" of justice.