Lawyer Sun Meiyan was invited to participate in the live broadcast sharing activity of "CITIC Trust's" Insurance Fund Trust · Wealth Inheritance Lecture Hall "

2022 10/27

On the evening of October 26,2022,Sun Meiyan,a senior partner of Gaopeng Law Firm,was invited by CITIC Trust Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as"CITIC Trust")to live share the wealth inheritance issues of entrepreneurs in the new era in the series of activities organized by CITIC Trust,"Insurance Trust·Wealth Inheritance Lecture Hall".

Screenshot of lawyer Sun Meiyan's live sharing

The theme of this live sharing is"A comprehensive view of the inheritance of wealth among entrepreneurs in the new era".Lawyer Sun mainly shared with everyone various issues arising from the inheritance of entrepreneurs'wealth in the new era from the perspective of lawyers,and put forward targeted suggestions on wealth management.

Lawyer Sun has personally handled a real case to show everyone the three attitudes of entrepreneurs in facing wealth inheritance,which are mainly divided into:(1)no arrangement for wealth inheritance,let it be,and handle it in a legal inheritance manner;(2)Willing to inherit wealth,but feeling that the timing is not ripe and that there is no need to plan ahead;(3)I believe that wealth inheritance can be arranged by myself without resorting to professional institutions and tools.Subsequently,in-depth field analysis was conducted for these three types of processing methods,and potential problems were summarized and corresponding professional solutions were provided.

During this sharing activity,nearly 2500 people participated in the live interaction,and there was a strong interest in the topic,which also led to a heated discussion.

Lawyer Sun Meiyan is a member of the Professional Committee of Education,Culture,Sports,and Tourism Law of the Beijing Lawyers Association and a special guest of the Science and Education Channel of Beijing Radio and Television.Lawyer Sun has over 14 years of legal service experience,specializing in business fields such as entrepreneur family wealth management,civil and commercial dispute resolution,and corporate legal counsel.Sun Meiyan's wealth management team is currently composed of a number of senior partner lawyers and asset planning architects with years of wealth planning experience,as well as partner lawyers with rich experience in tax planning,commercial arbitration/litigation,cross-border investment and financing,and overseas funds,trusts,marital inheritance,and real estate.She is mainly specialized in:second generation wealth inheritance guidance,family business wealth planning,The separation of corporate assets from the personal assets of shareholders,and the planning and inheritance of the personal assets of the actual controller of the enterprise.

Gaopeng Institute will,as always,provide customers with higher quality legal services based on the service tenet of"integrity and excellence".

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)