Tang Xiaobing, Senior Consultant of Gaopeng Law Firm, was invited to participate in the "Digital China" Seminar

2021 05/01

On April 30,Tang Xiaobing,a senior consultant at Gaopeng Law Firm,was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the video international seminar on"Digital China:International Opportunities and Challenges for the Digital Transformation of the Internet of Things Industry".Tang reviewed the deliberations and negotiations between the United Nations and the WTO in the field of e-commerce and the digital economy,and expressed his views on the following hot issues:cross-border data flow,data storage locations,taxation of e-commerce trade,tariff enforcement in the WTO Information Technology Agreement,certification of information technology product standards,export control of information technology products,control of computer programs,multimedia products,trade secrets Intellectual property protection of semiconductor chips and digital information.Tang also made pertinent suggestions on how Chinese enterprises should respond to the opportunities and challenges brought about by e-commerce and the digital economy.Lawyer Tang's speech was highly praised by the participants,who believed that it had profound insights into the cutting-edge issues of the digital economy today,greatly broadening the audience's horizons and improving their level of understanding of the issues.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)