Research Team of the Beijing Bankruptcy Administrators Association Conducts Special Research at Gaopeng & Partners

2020 12/17

President Xiaowei ZHANG and Vice President Lixin XING of the Beijing Bankruptcy Administrators Association (“the Association”) led the research team to conduct a research visit at Gaopeng & Partners in the morning of December 17, 2020. Senior Partners of Gaopeng & Partners including Yazheng BAI, Chaoyu LI, Jun LI and Zaifeng FAN, and Lawyers such as Liu YANG, Wanya QIU and Fangyong XIAO were present at the symposium.


During the symposium, President Xiaowei ZHANG introduced the purpose of the research visit, that is, the Association hopes to enhance contacts and communications with its member units, provide better services for member units and jointly discuss on the development of bankruptcy business. Gaopeng & Partners extended warm welcome to the Association for its visit and guidance and gave a detailed introduction to the progress of in undertaking bankruptcy business and team-building. The participants engaged in in-depth exploration and discussion on issues encountered in bankruptcy business and opinions.


The research team noted that the Association will actively respond to the opinions and inputs voiced by its member units and seek to create an enabling practical environment for the administrators. Gaopeng & Partners expressed sincere thanks to the Association and will provide active support and coordination for all the work of the Association.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)