Yangzhou Institute of Shenfei Research Institute

2020 10/15

On October 14, 2020, Gao Peng Law Firm successfully won the bid for the legal service procurement project of Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute Yangzhou Collaborative Innovation Research Institute Co., Ltd.

As the "No. 1 project" of the construction of the city's emerging science and technology innovation city, Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute Yangzhou Collaborative Innovation Research Institute settled in Yangzhou City a year ago, the local party committee and government attached great importance to the smooth landing of the project, requiring relevant departments to do a good job in active tracking services, Gaopeng Institute actively responded, organized the team to take the lead in familiarizing with the relevant situation of Shenfei headquarters and Yangzhou Institute, understand the particularity of the operation of military enterprises, and organized in the judicial administrative department. /b12>At the same time, the Yangzhou Court conducted a legal physical examination and put forward professional legal opinions in a targeted manner, which laid a good foundation for the establishment of this legal service cooperation between the two parties. Gaopeng Law Firm will take advantage of the complete business categories, professional division of labor and team services to provide high-quality and efficient legal services in the fields of corporate governance, compliance construction, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, human resources and intellectual property management of Yangzhou Institute.
