Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office Acts as the Agent of the First Internet Infringement Case Involving OKEx Platform under the Jurisdiction of the Hangzhou Internet Court

2020 07/08

Recently, the Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court publicized a Civil Order related to the conflict of jurisdiction, ruling that the Hangzhou Internet Court has the jurisdiction over the infringement dispute of users involving the OKEx trading platform. This case was represented by the lawyer of Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office. As the first case of internet infringement case related to OKEx, China’s largest virtual currency trading platform, heard by the Hangzhou Court, this case was significant. Because this case involved many professional domains such as the issuance, trading, account management of virtual currency and blockchain technology, this case had complex details and many subjects, including overseas websites and entities, the determination of jurisdiction came as a big difficulty. Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office finally locked the implementation place of the infringement behavior and the locality of infringement results in Hangzhou after multi-party evidence collection technically and argument of many laws. The Hangzhou Internet Court, the internet court in the administrative region of Hangzhou, enjoys professional knowledge and trail experience of cases involving virtual currency, blockchain and internet infringement cases. Based on technical expertise and professional competence, the lawyer of Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office assisted the client to choose the Hangzhou Internet Court as the competent court of the case according to law, which not only conforms to laws, but also helps safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the client.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)