Gaopeng & Partners Shanghai Office Actively Participates in Charitable Donation——Helps Needy Students Finish Senior High School Study

2020 06/29

In June 2020, Gaopeng & Partners Shanghai Office donated RMB9,900 to the “Cedar Highrise” initiated by Shanghai Cedar Charity Foundation to provide a senior high school student covered by the program with accommodation and living expenses during the three years of schooling. Through this donation, the firm made its contribution to helping financially-stretched students finish senior high school study and pursue higher education.

As the nine-year compulsory education only guarantees the schooling of elementary school and junior high school, many junior high school graduates with excellent grades may have to drop out of schools because they cannot afford the high tuition fees for senior high school. In a bid to help these needy, outstanding students finish their senior high school study and pursue higher education, Shanghai Cedar Charity Foundation launched the “Cedar Highrise”. In this program, every RMB9,900 (RMB9,000 are granted to the student, while the remaining RMB900 serve as the project operation fees) collected can help a needy student to finish senior high school study.

The foundation partners with key senior high schools in this program and sets up a Cedar Class with 40-50 students in each school. The program provides three-year living expenses to these outstanding students who may have to drop out of school due to extreme poverty and helps them to finish senior high school study. The schools exempt these students from tuition and accommodation fees. Shanghai Cedar Charity Foundation grants each “Cedar student” RMB3,000 in living expenses annually during the three years, and the money will be granted by the school to the student on a monthly basis for 10 months (RMB300 per month).

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)