Unceasing Bankruptcy Business of Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office During the Fight Against COVID-19- Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office Holds Creditors’ Meeting Through “Cloud Court”

2020 02/28

Recently, the first creditors’ meeting of the bankruptcy liquidation case of Hangzhou Guobu Hotel Management Co., Ltd., in which Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office served as the bankruptcy administrator, was held successfully through “Cloud Court”.

The first creditors’ meeting of Hangzhou Guobu Hotel Management Co., Ltd. was originally scheduled to be held on February 27, 2020. Due to the impact of COVID-19 epidemic, on-site creditors’ meeting will cause the gathering of people, which goes against the control and prevention of the epidemic. However, delay of the first creditors’ meeting will prolong the whole bankruptcy liquidation period to a large extent, which is adverse to the simplified bankruptcy trial work.

To fully implement the joint prevention and control measures against the epidemic and truly guarantee the safety of the participants of the meeting, the first creditors’ meeting of Hangzhou Guobu Hotel Management Co., Ltd. was held as originally scheduled through “Cloud Court” after communication between our Firm and the Court liable for trial of bankruptcy cases. The entire creditors’ meeting was participated by the Court, bankruptcy administrator and creditors via smooth video connection with clear sound and pictures, which had effectively guaranteed the right of participation of creditors and won a good result.

At present, China is at a critical time to win the fight against COVID-19. Therefore, the bankruptcy team of Gaopeng & Partners Hangzhou Office explores actively the new mode for handling of the cases and insists on dealing with the cases during the prevention and control of the epidemic, to ensure that all kinds of bankruptcy-related work undertaken by the Firm are done in an orderly fashion.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)

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