Lawyer Gao Liang Is Invited to Deliver a Speech at “The 9th Symposium on WTO Law”

2018 11/19

Hosted by the Chinese Society of International Economic Law(CSIEL),undertaken by the School of International Law of China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL),and supported by the Department of Treaty and Law in Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM),the 9th Symposium on WTO Law was held in Beijing on November 19,2018.Lawyer Gao Liang from Gaopeng&Partners was invited to deliver a featured speech at the Symposium.

Experts and scholars from Tsinghua University(THU),China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL),Renmin University of China(RUC),East China University of Science and Technology(ECUST),Southeast University(SEU)and Xiamen University(XMU),officials from MOFCOM and lawyers from several law firms were present in the Symposium.The experts participating in the Symposium made a heated discussion and exchange on issues such as the reform plan of the WTO,the legal issues of Sino-US trade friction,the legal issues of trade remedy and the reform of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism.

Lawyer Gao Liang analyzed the WTO compliance issues related to China’s measures in the case sued by the U.S.against China–Certain Measures Concerning the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights(DS542)and provided constructive suggestions on Chinaundefineds defense ideas of the case at the Dispute Settlement Body(DSB)of the WTO.

(This article is translated by software translator for reference only.)

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