Lawyer Zhang Zheng was invited to give a special lecture on "Legal Interpretation of University Logistics Management"

2015 11/02

On the afternoon of October 28, 2015, the Logistics Management Research Association of the Beijing Institute of Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Logistics Research Association of Beijing Universities") held the "Advanced Training Course on Innovation in Logistics Management in Beijing Universities". Lawyer Zhang Zheng, a senior partner of Beijing Gaopeng Law Firm, was invited to give a special lecture entitled "Legal Interpretation of Logistics Management in Universities" to the relevant school leaders and logistics principals of Beijing universities.

Lawyer Zhang Zheng's lecture consists of three parts, which are "University logistics management in the eyes of lawyers", "University logistics legal liability system under the current system", and "Key legal risks and prevention strategies in university logistics management". Based on many years of experience in leading a team to provide legal services to universities, Lawyer Zhang clearly clarified the multiple legal relationships between various subjects involved in university logistics, interpreted the legal positioning of university logistics, and carefully sorted out various specific legal risks that may be faced in university logistics management in accordance with existing laws, regulations, and regulations of relevant departments. Finally, Lawyer Zhang focused on various frequent legal risks and corresponding risk prevention and control strategies in the fields of tort liability law, labor law, and contract law.

Lawyer Zhang's teaching is simple and profound, with its content tailored to the actual logistics work in universities and combining a large number of live cases, and is widely welcomed and praised by participants. After the lecture, the logistics personnel from various participating universities actively and enthusiastically asked Lawyer Zhang questions. Lawyer Zhang and his lawyer team were asked to answer many legal puzzles in actual work, and the on-site response was enthusiastic.

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